Take the First Step Toward Your Health Care Career Now!
Find an accredited online medical assistant or other medical career training program near you. Online courses are flexible and can make your education convenient on many levels, especially if you are working full time or have other commitments.
You will go over the same material covered in a traditional classroom, and you can do it at your own pace, too. The instructor sets deadlines, and you complete the work when you can get to it. Keep in mind that there may be classes that must be done in-person, particularly certain types of lab work. Some career education will be best completed through hands-on learning.
Read: Online Medical Assistant Programs: What's It like?
Online programs can serve as a legitimate way to get your certificate or degree. But before committing to online medical billing and coding classes, make sure to take the time to research the schools to find one that’s accredited by the AAPC or the AHIMA. Speak with your school’s academic advisor to create a path to your new career that works for you.
Some CMA programs take as little as 6 weeks to complete and some like healthcare administration are 4 year college degree programs.