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Delaware County Technical School

About Delaware County Technical School

The Delaware County Intermediate Unit is one of Pennsylvania’s 29 regional educational agencies. Established in 1970 by the State Legislature, IUs were charged with providing services in seven areas: curriculum development and instructional improvement; educational planning services; instructional materials services (technology); continuing professional development; pupil personnel services; management services; and, state and federal agency liaison services. Over the years, DCIU grew to meet Delaware County’s needs by providing these and other services best offered on a regional basis such as special education, technical education, services to nonpublic schools and technology. Today, more than 40 years in the business of serving the needs of Delaware County, DCIU has grown to provide more than $125 million worth of services through the management of 60 programs. Classes only available on campus. Financial aid available to those who qualify.


No accreditation available.


Learn more at the Delaware County Technical School website.

Campus Location

85 North Malin Road




Career School Now - Delaware County Technical School

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