Is Medical Billing and Coding a Good Career?
The medical billing and coding industry can be a great career choice for people who would like to be in the medical field but want to work in an office setting. Either of these related careers is a good fit for an organized, precise individual.
Read about the differences between medical billers and coders.
What Are the Requirements for Medical Billing and Coding School?
To receive training, you can attend a trade school or community college. To enroll in a program, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have a high school diploma or GED
No prior experience or prerequisites are necessary for most programs.
What is a Medical Billing and Coding Program Like?
Medical billing and coding training can be completed online or on a campus. In either format, you will listen to lectures and try medical billing and coding software for yourself. You might complete an externship as part of the program.
You will learn about:
- Electronic medical records
- General office systems
- Billing and insurance
- Coding guidelines and diagnoses
- Body systems and anatomy terms
At the end of training, you should be ready for an entry-level position in the field.
Why Should I Go to an Accredited School?
A program accredited by the major certifying bodies AAPC, AHIMA, ABHES, CAHIIM, or another credible agency helps protect you from scams, validates your education to employers, and may allow you to transfer credits. Find accredited medical billing and coding training.
How Long is Medical Billing and Coding School?
Common program lengths are as few as 10 months to 2 years, resulting in a certificate or an associate degree.
How Much Does Medical Billing and Coding Training Cost?
Depending on the program you choose, you can expect tuition in the approximate range of $800 to $16,000. Online options are typically less expensive than in-classroom training, and certificate programs are usually less than associate degrees.
Do Medical Billing and Coding Training Programs Offer Financial Aid?
Many schools with medical billing and coding programs offer financial aid to those who qualify. A school financial aid advisor can help you fill out the FAFSA form and explore scholarships, grants, and student loans. Read more at: How To Get Financial Aid For Medical Coding And Billing School.
Do Medical Billing and Coding Specialists Have to Be Licensed or Certified?
Medical billers and coders don’t need to be licensed, but it is recommended you become certified. Having certifications can increase your salary and help make you more indispensable.
Recommended certifications from certifying organizations such as AAPC and AHIMA include:
- Certified Professional Biller (CPB)
- Certified Medical Reimbursement Specialist (CMRS)
- Certified Professional Coder (CPC)
- Certified Medical Coder (CMC)
- Certified Coding Specialist (CCS)
How much do medical billers and coders make?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, medical billers made an average of $47,120 in 2023, with the top 10 percent earning closer to $62,530. Medical coders in 2023 averaged $53,690, with the top 10 percent earning $77,810. Again, receiving certifications may lead to an increased salary. Medical billing and coding is a good career path to pursue, with many options for future advancement.