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Wingate University

About Wingate University

Founded in 1896, we become a four year college in the 1970"s. We offer our students an educatiion with 35 undergraduate majors, 38 minors, and 10 pre-professional programs, offer 5 typs of Bachelor's degrees. We offer 3 add-on licensure programs, 6 Master's Degree programs, and 3 Doctoral degree programs

Available Programs

  • Physician Assistant

    Wingate, NC

    220 North Camden Road



  • Pharmacy

    Wingate, NC

    220 North Camden Road



  • Registered Nursing / Registered Nurse

    Wingate, NC

    220 North Camden Road



  • Pre-Veterinary Medicine

    Medical, dental, and veterinary schools specify courses, not specific majors, that are prerequisites for admission to their programs. For example, Pre-Med students may select any major as long as they take the courses required by the medical school they wish to attend. Regardless of which major you select at Wingate University, most medical and dental schools in the U.S. require one year each of biology, general chemistry, organic chemistry, and physics. Some specify calculus. Vet schools may require more: biochemistry, genetics, and microbiology. You should select a major which matches your interests and abilities and one which allows you to complete the necessary biology, chemistry, math, and physics courses. If you choose a major which does not require the essential science and math courses as part of its curriculum, you will need to take them as electives in addition to your major’s required courses.

    Most of the science courses have prerequisites and some courses are not offered every semester. The courses you take (biology, chemistry, and math), the sequence in which you take them, and your performance in them are critical — failure to complete specific courses at the right time or with satisfactory grades will interfere with your progress towards completing the sequence of science courses needed for professional school. Each student is responsible for selecting the courses that are needed to meet all entrance requirements specified in the bulletin from the school they wish to attend. Pre-Health Professions students should consult the information for the major they plan to pursue for suggested first-semester classes.

    Wingate, NC

    220 North Camden Road




Accredited by:



Learn more at https://www.wingate.edu/

Campus Location

220 North Camden Road




Career School Now - Wingate University